
Northern Bricks convention committee
Welcome to the Northern Bricks Awards page!

In 2024, we hosted the first Northern Bricks convention. Thank you to everyone who attended and participated.
Will your MOC be among our 2025 Award winners?

This Year's Categories

AFOLs that register for our show are allowed to bring their builds. We are looking for MOCS (my own creations) that fall into one of the following categories.

We would like to recognize BrickCon as the source for our choice of categories. Interested in the entries for last year's convention, check out the images further down on the page.

  • Art

    MOCs in the Art category include Flora, Fauna, Sculptures, Mosaics. Art MOCs are characterized by the creative use of colour and form to make an outstanding artistic statement.

  • Fantasy

    Fantasy MOCs range in theme from Myths & Folk Tales, Magic & Sorcery to Dragons, Vampires to things like Ogres & Orcs. MOCs in Fantasy tell extraordinary and compelling tales!

  • Function

    Function category MOCs Do the Heavy Lifting, Follow a Marked Track, Move Balls through a Circuit, Execute Code. Gears, motors and Technic™ figure mightily in the Function category.

  • History

    Faithful renditions of People, Places & Moments in Time are a must in the History MOC category. Rely on eye-witness accounts, photojournalism, and other research as source material for HISTORY MOCs.

  • Scale Model

    Scale Model MOCs represent an Object, Vehicle, or Structure at a specific scale. Creative use of parts and thoughtful choice of which details to include from the original are key to a successful Scale Model MOC.

  • Sci-Fi

    All Things Science Fiction fit into the Sci-Fi MOC category. From Pop Culture Space Operas, Retro Cartoon Futurism to Hard Science Novels of Technology & Space -- plus Your Unique Space Creations – all belong in the Sci-Fi MOC category.

  • Town & Country

    Depictions of Everyday Life -- from the Big Bustling City, Dusty Frontier Town, Working Family Farm, to Thriving Jungle Trails -- belong in the Town & Country MOC category. Tell stories with relatable characters and realistic environments.

  • Community Build

    Join our community AFOL Moonbase build and help build a super cool moon base. Show your creativity and be part of an AFOL group built Moonbase.

    Learn more here

  • Want to bring your build?

    We would love to see your creations and welcome all adult fans of LEGO® (AFOLs) to register for our convention. Once registered, you can register your MOCs.

    Register Now

2024 Award Winners

Here, we recognize the incredible creativity and talent of LEGO® enthusiasts who showcase their amazing work at our annual event. Get inspired by the incredible talent of the participants.

Be 2025's Award Winner Register Now